

Natriumhidrosulfiet 90%, gereed vir versending ~

Natriumhidrosulfiet 90%
50 kg drom, 22.5tons/20'fcl sonder palette
2`fcl, bestemming: Egipte
Gereed vir versending ~


1. The use of sodium hydrosulfite is very wide, mainly including reduction dyeing, reduction cleaning, printing and decolorization in the textile industry, as well as bleaching of silk, wool, nylon and other fabrics. Aangesien natriumhidrosulfiet nie swaar metale bevat nie, is die kleur van die gebleikte stof baie helder en is dit nie maklik om te vervaag nie.

Vlambaar:Natrium Dithionite is 'n eersteklas vlambare item wanneer dit nat is volgens die nasionale standaarde. It will react violently when it comes into contact with water, producing flammable gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and releasing a large amount of heat. Die reaksievergelyking is: 2NA2S2O4+2H2O+O2 = 4NAHSO3, en die produkte reageer verder om waterstofsulfied en swaeldioksied te produseer. Natrium ditioniet het 'n tussentydse valensietoestand van swael, en die chemiese eienskappe daarvan is onstabiel. Dit toon sterk verminderende eienskappe. When it encounters strong oxidizing acids, such as sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other strong acids, the two will undergo a redox reaction, and the reaction is violent, releasing a large amount of heat and toxic substances. Die reaksievergelyking is: 2NA2S2O4+4HCl = 2H2S2O4+4NACL

Spontane verbranding:Natrium ditioniet het 'n spontane verbrandingspunt van 250 ℃. Due to its low ignition point, it is a first-class flammable solid (the ignition point is generally below 300℃, and the flash point of low melting point is below 100℃). Dit is baie maklik om te verbrand as dit blootgestel word aan hitte, vuur, wrywing en impak. Die verbrandingsnelheid is vinnig en die brandgevaar is groot. Die gaswaterstofsulfiedgas wat tydens die verbrandingsproses geproduseer word, kan ook 'n groter verbrandingsarea veroorsaak, wat die brandgevaar verhoog.

Ontploffing:Natrium ditioniet is 'n ligte geel poeieragtige stof. Die poeieragtige stof is maklik om 'n plofbare mengsel in die lug te vorm. Stofontploffing vind plaas wanneer u 'n brandbron teëkom. Die mengsel van natrium ditioniet en die meeste oksidante, soos chlorate, nitrate, perchlorate of permanganate, is plofbaar. Even in the presence of water, it explodes after a slight friction or impact, especially after thermal decomposition, the flammable gas generated after the reaction reaches the explosion limit, then its explosion hazard is greater.

Postyd: Okt-21-2024